Gaming has been a large part of my life since early childhood. Little did I, or my parents, know that those blissful hours playing Sonic, Wonderboy and Altered Beast would leave such a major impact in the person I have turned out to be. However, at some point in my mid twenties gaming started to lose its charm - I still had the urge to play, but nothing really kept my interest for long, and gradually playing felt more like going through the motions instead of the exciting adventures I hoped to experience. Thanks to Reddit, I have learned that this is a common phenomenon as we grow older, and often caused by a combination of the stressors of adult life and a certain jadedness in our approach to any activity. Thus, it becomes much harder to fully engage in the imaginary worlds games try to create for us. This went on for years, despite trying a wide range of titles, many of which in theory should be perfect for me - and which I later have started enjoying.
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Gaming has been a large part of my life since early childhood. Little did I, or my parents, know that those blissful hours playing Sonic, Wonderboy and Altered Beast would leave such a major impact in the person I have turned out to be. However, at some point in my mid twenties gaming started to lose its charm - I still had the urge to play, but nothing really kept my interest for long, and gradually playing felt more like going through the motions instead of the exciting adventures I hoped to experience. Thanks to Reddit, I have learned that this is a common phenomenon as we grow older, and often caused by a combination of the stressors of adult life and a certain jadedness in our approach to any activity. Thus, it becomes much harder to fully engage in the imaginary worlds games try to create for us. This went on for years, despite trying a wide range of titles, many of which in theory should be perfect for me - and which I later have started enjoying.